10 August 2007

july 2007 michigan

here is a commission i did for my friends dave and stephanie- i love having a huge lovely canvas to work on


Reecia said...

This looks great! I still have the pretty watercolour (red, yellow, blue) that you gave me long ago. Its in a box now, along with everything else I own (aside from this computer) but soon it will take its place on a kitchen wall here in Burlington. I'll take a picture of it then and send it to you. And of the wintry shack one too. I love that one.

Reecia said...

This looks great! I still have the pretty watercolour (red, yellow, blue) that you gave me long ago. Its in a box now, along with everything else I own (aside from this computer) but soon it will take its place on a kitchen wall here in Burlington. I'll take a picture of it then and send it to you. And of the wintry shack one too. I love that one.

Reecia said...
