05 December 2007



Reecia said...

Oh dear. I don't like this one bit.

Jamey Essex said...

me either.
it is a stark contrast to your bird and sky paintings, though it's interesting how those intersect.
hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

I like it. But I tend to like dark and brooding art. There are lot of connections here - I might be wrong but I think the two planes are meant to be the Israeli fighter jets that we see racing across the sky on a regular basis here (in violation of UN regulations and Lebanon's cease-fire with Israel) - but they of course also look a lot like the 9/11 jets or something of that sort. Then there are the winged objects in Brook's other Beirut pieces, which seem so mechanized and hostile here as planes instead of birds. Plus there's the dark dark sky, which is so fun to see here, as it indicates one of these terrificly dramatic thunderstorms that drifts in from the sea, drops buckets of rain and deafening thunder, and then moves out again. Best. Piece. Ever. I know I'm biased, but still...

Reecia said...

Oh! It's not the picture I don't like. It's the actually-existing ominous sky and the scary looking war planes.

Anonymous said...

I like this one. I agree with bob.