10 April 2008

nahr al-bared

I have recently had the opportunity to visit Nahr al-Bared, the Palestinian refugee camp in northern Lebanon that was destroyed by the Lebanese army six months ago. Since living in Beirut, I am recognizing the plight of the Palestinian people with sharp clarity for the first time in my life. The severe injustices and outright violence that is heaped upon them by the American sanctioned and funded Israeli occupation of their homeland is nothing short of staggering. The refugees living in Lebanon are treated like second-class citizens with very few rights. The assault on Nahr al-Bared began with the Lebanese army fighting a small group of militants who were not Palestinians, but who were located inside the camp. Very few people, Palestinians included, will argue that this group didn't need to be ousted. But the complete destruction of Nahr al-Bared's thousands of buildings can only be explained by a deep national hatred for the Palestinians themselves. And this is supported further by the way that the army will hardly allow access to any of the destroyed old camp but is keeping its residents on the fringe, delaying any rebuilding efforts and not allowing any media or photography. When I visited I was able to get my camera in and sneak a few shots but they don't begin to show the scale of the violence. I have never seen anything like it. The day that I was there a new area of the old camp(sector B) was opened up and people were being allowed back in to survey their old neighborhood which at times was plain unrecognizable. There were the terrible cliche-like scenes as if from a movie where an old woman comes crying from the rubble clutching some broken frames and old photographs which were all she could salvage from her family home. Another scene where a little boy is picking a ragged teddy bear from the rubble, next an old man looking sort of angry and sad shouts urgently at me pointing to his eyes and then all around him and saying in Arabic- "you see? you see?!" This is the problem though- no one is allowed to see- access to the camp is very limited and you are not supposed to be taking photos and the media is prohibited alltogether. Another woman just overwhelmed by the situation caught my eye and with this look of pure despair on her face and arms outstretched shouted "haraam! haraam!" this means poor in Arabic but in a pitying sense like if someone is sick you say haraam -like poor them. I nodded in agreement and said haraam which I think has been my truest experience of the word. To read more about the situations in Palestine and Lebanon electronic intifada is an excellent resource. Below is my attempt at a painting, I am struggling with some more images from the camp that are haunting my brain. I'll post these if and when they get out.


Jamey Essex said...

hi brook.
these are some really great photos because they help show exactly what you're talking about, which like you say, we never see, unless it flashes across the screen for a second or two on the nightly news or we envision it as some kind of fictional movie scene. i am going to post a link to the photo posts and to the painting on my blog for my students.

Reecia said...

These are great pictures, Brook! Thanks for posting them.

Anonymous said...

haraam- does not mean poor... but it is said after someone sins..

brook sloan said...

this is interesting for me because in lebanon haram does indeed mean poor in the pitiable sense and is used that way all the time. it was explained to me as referring to something that should not be(which could mean sinning, but also maybe someone is sick or lonely or a building gets blown up with bombs). It is like "what a shame" only more emotional. (thank you elizabeth) i see now from some poking around on the internet that probably most other arabic speakers use haram to refer more strictly to a situation of sinning. interesting how the word got shifted(at least casually in lebanon) from acknowledging the sin to feeling bad for the potentially sinned against. i am worlds away from being any kind of arabic language expert, but i do know that lebanese arabic takes a lot of liberties. while i'm certain that what's been done to nahr al-bared could be labeled a sin, i'm pretty sure that exclamation i heard was to mean "look at how awful and desperate(pitiable) this situation is- it should not be this way."

Anonymous said...

Haram means something that God disapproves of. It's the opposite of Halal. Haram is used casually across the Middle East in the sense you explain, Brook. It's not necessarily a major shift of meaning, just invoking God's disapproval in a casual way, I guess.
I'm a different anonymous from the other guy, by the way!